A simple and easy NodeJS Telegram bot
Bots, they are everywhere, right? Why not have a bot, that’s doing some fancy work for you?
Telegrams ‘BotFather’ is the way to get you started: see the docs
It is as easy as open telegram, search @botfather and send him /newbot
as a message, few more steps like naming aaaand boom - bot is up!
DISCLAIMER The following code is a quick and dirty solution! It is simply sending me memes from subreddit ‘ProgrammerHumor’.
Checkout my reddit-api-image-getter package on npm.
Want to know what telegraf does?
Telegraf does not explicitely tell, but adding a caption to a photo is added in the code example below.
All what’s left to do now is create a new Node project:
$ mkdir reddit-image-telegraf && cd reddit-image-telegraf
$ yarn init
$ yarn add telegraf reddit-api-image-getter@1.0.5 select-random-file
// content of your entrypoint file, usually index.js
const fs = require('fs')
const path = require('path')
const randomFile = require('select-random-file')
const Telegraf = require('telegraf')
// use the key Botfather gave you here
const bot = new Telegraf('YOUR-SECRET-TOKEN')
const redditApiImageGetter = require('reddit-api-image-getter')
getter = new redditApiImageGetter()
bot.start((ctx) => ctx.reply('This is here to make me happy.'))
bot.command('makemehappy', (ctx) => {
// limit to your own chat.id
// (you can get it by using a debugger and inspecting ctx object)
// use a telegraf middleware for limiting if you are really fancy
// if you do not need limitation, drop the conditional!
if (ctx.chat.id != 00013370001) {
ctx.reply('Your ID is not whitelisted, I am sorry. Not sorry!')
} else {
const channelOrders = ['hot', 'top']
const hotOrTop = channelOrders[Math.floor(Math.random() * channelOrders.length)];
const dir = path.resolve(__dirname, 'images', hotOrTop, 'ProgrammerHumor')
randomFile(dir, (err, file) => {
console.log(`The random file is: ${file}.`)
const pathToFile = path.resolve(dir, file)
source: fs.readFileSync(pathToFile)
{caption: 'Send with telegraf bot'}) // add a caption/text to your media (< 1024 signs)
bot.command('refresh', function (ctx) {
// limit to your own chat.id
// (you can get it by using a debugger and inspecting ctx object)
// use a telegraf middleware for limiting if you are really fancy
// if you do not need limitation, drop the conditional!
if (ctx.chat.id != 00013370001) {
ctx.reply('Your ID is not whitelisted, I am sorry. Not sorry!')
} else {
// gets hot images
getter.getHotImagesOfSubReddit('ProgrammerHumor').then(function (result) {
for (let imageEntry of result) {
console.log(`top ${imageEntry.formattedFilename}`)
getter.saveRedditImageEntryToDisk(imageEntry, path.resolve(__dirname, 'images', 'hot'))
ctx.reply('refreshed hot images')
}).catch(function (error) {
// gets top images
getter.getTopImagesOfSubReddit('ProgrammerHumor').then(function (result) {
for (let imageEntry of result) {
console.log(`top ${imageEntry.formattedFilename}`)
getter.saveRedditImageEntryToDisk(imageEntry, path.resolve(__dirname, 'images', 'top'))
ctx.reply('refreshed top images')
}).catch(function (error) {
$ node index.js
Grab your phone, start your bot and send /refresh
watch the picture pop up on your filesystem, then send /makemehappy
and have a laugh.
Send me a message on telegram and chat with me, best let me know what kind of bot you brought to life: https://t.me/simonneutert
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