Roda, Sequel, Rodauth
For a very long time I earned my badges in the Rails Framework. From Rails 3 to Rails 4, 5 and a bit of 6 I was interested in Sinatra, the lean brother of Rails. Inspiration to a plethora of frameworks, whose goal it was to get going easy, quick and “with just as much as you need”.
So, I wrote “Sinatras Skeleton” as an attempt to a very basic web framework, tailored to my needs, with the gems I couldn’t live without.
But every time I reevaluated what’s round (Hanami was on the rise, so was Elixir and Phoenix), Roda kept coming round. And after a few short lines, it got hold of me. Its creator Jeremy Evans has the keys to web kingdom, having released Roda, Sequel for Database Interaction and Rodauth for Authentication. Rodauth brings state-of-the-art security to your authentication system, bringing all modern authentication styles as an option.
Roda required me to get out of my comfort zone and leave the rails I was conding on. But it offers enough comfort and sophistication you feel like inviting hackers to a BBQ if you miss something - it’s quite the other way round. Once you spent a week rolling on Roda, coding business logic is a joy.
My other fear was dropping ActiveRecord - I guess this is yours, too. I was so used to how it works, everything else felt clumsy. Yes, Sequel does things different and it is not ActiveRecord, but it feels good, once you give it a go. The documentation is insanely well written. And you will learn a few things about Databases ActiveRecord may have abstracted for you in the past.
Using Roda makes me a better programmer and I am very happy having it chosen for my current sideproject.
I won’t tell at this point, though 😅
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