Bake Pizzas at home! 🍕 - a sample shadow-cljs app
Making Pizza is a huge deal! At least to me! And boy, am I spoiled 😬
The guys from Städler Made provide excellent recipes AND OVENS!
So much so, that I was scared they change something and I am lost in the search for the recipe I got to love so much!
Having permission to have the code public from Sanne and Pieter, I am very proud to show my Clojurescript take on the recipe we ever since love so much 🥰
Project on GitHub: pizza-dough-calculator
The scope of the app is both showing of how nice developing with Clojurescript can be.
Checking out the project can teach you:
- Clojurescript namespacing (require files and dependencies)
- Clojurescript for the Browser
- Clojures data first approach
- separation of actions and computation (immutable data)
- functional programming
- Clojurescript and testing (it’s not E2E, but one could setup Jest or else)
- DOM represented as data and functions
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