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Project Launched 🚀 - "Shell Curry"

A curated list of shell tools and configurations.

Together with a couple of developer friends, we launched a new project called shell-curry on GitHub.
The repository will be made public soon.

The main goal is to provide a curated list of shell tools and configurations that we use in our daily work.

If someone new to enhancing their shell environment can benefit from it, our mission is accomplished.

The README.md file states:

Having the best developer setup is a never-ending crusade for some.
To others, it’s not even a side quest.
In HR, they label it as one of the dark arts.
To us, it’s nothing we lose hours on, but something we always come back to.

We want to share our findings with you, with practicality in mind. We are a group of developers who love to tinker—always with a purpose. Each of our setups differs here and there, but there are huge overlaps in the tools we use.

If you’re the curious type, you might want to get your hands dirty with a Dockerized project setup.
Check out simonneutert/shell-curry-debian-12-example on GitHub.

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